Saturday, February 19, 2011


What do people miss most about their own country and culture when they go abroad?

After a while everyone gets missing something on their own country. For some people it takes more time to miss someone or something and another one can miss this anything in the first day.

Mostly people miss their friends and family, because you are separated from them a long time and you can’t see and speak face to face with them. We are used to speak or see some people every day, but if you are away, then you can’t do this, but if you are back then you have this opportunity again. Also some people can miss some specific food, what you are used to eat, but aboard it is impossible.

You can miss talking in your language and jokes in your mother tongue. It is always much easier and understandable to speak in your native language.

In my opinion Estonia and Denmark are quite similar and because of that there isn’t much to miss back. We both are small countries, even we look like similar. Perhaps in here are more natural blond and read head people. For other nationalities we seem shy and reserved, but it seems to me that danes are more helpful and open-minded. Every country has their own pros and cons.

I think in twenty first century everything what you need is close. If you have internet connection you can talk with your friends, read news, listen and watch your own music and TV-series and also you can buy a flight ticekt back home.So there aren’t any good reason why do miss something , when everything is great.

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