Monday, February 21, 2011

Process so far

Well, the holidays are over, which is always a sad thing, nevertheless, which is never appreciated while it lasts.
Things haven't been all sunshine and daisies, dear readers, but for reasons I'm keeping for myself. Non of public property.

Other than that, here are the highlights of my mini-vacation.

  1. Cooked an excellent dinner with Bjørg. Something which consists of macaroni filled with ricotta and parmsan, oven-baked with tomato sauce. Yes, the stuff you see on cooking shows.
  2. Went to see Black Swan. Amazing movie, worth the money and both waiting for to see it in a lounge filled with smell of burnt pop corn.
  3. Chilling at Laura's place, she's a friend of Bjørg. Her cat Misse (that's the spelling, probably) woke me up in the morning by finding out that my stomach is an excellent sleeping spot.
  4. Seeying Pille, always nice. (Pille, the next pizza is on me!)
  5. Probably something else which I forgot.

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