Monday, February 7, 2011

I love life

Hello Estonia!

Right now I have a gap between two lessons, so now I'm eating my calzone with mozarella and a Starbucks coffee is waiting it's turn. I just love this dirty feeling of allowing myself to eat some, well, consider it junk food. The latte tastes spendid and reminds me of somekind of caramel candy from back home.

Home... is where the heart is. Only now I understand the meaning of this proverb with all it's magnificent obviousness. Don't get me wrong, I love it here, but the people I really adore, are back there. Sometimes life just isn't as is easy as drawing a human scribble- man.

Otherwise, life's like a box of chocolates. The tasty ones come to an end first.

We had a splendid weekend on Sjælland (an island where Copenhagen is, reference to those, who are too lazy to Google), in a little but humble town called Kalundborg. That's where my host mom Marie is from.

A really, really, really, really bad hair day.

Apart from being old and consisting mainly of an historic part of the town and houses around it occupied by retired people, it's a teenagers worst dream. Although they had a tatoo and piercing saloon back there. But still, I like it mainly as a tourist/guest.

Besides, I've never been to a family meeting of that size (approx. 30 people). Not that it's typical for my host family, it's just the occasion was special enough. Morfar's 70th birthday. He's a nice guy :)

Too bad there were only 5 young persons altogether there. Not that I mind middle-aged people, but they just don't dance to progressive music and prefer swaying from side to side in a slow tact. I beg whoever is in charge of the future, that please do not turn me into one of them D: Let my fist-pump until I'm 80.

And a little about school as well, because all play and no work means you're a slacker.

In the first lesson I made a presentation of Ibsen's drama Ghosts and as far as the feedback from my classmates and teacher was, the thing I did was pretty good. I'm happy with that because I finished it about 8 hours before presenting it. Yes, I think that doing things in the last minute is the problem of 95% of people on this planet.

And for the goal of my stay here, Danish, so far so good. This morning I discovered that Danish radio is starting to make sense from my headphones. My classmates don't understand me when I speak danish tho, because they just don't expect me to do that and automatically think that I'm speaking somesort of retarded English. But when I repeat what I said, they laugh ang go on in Danish or English.

By the time I get home, I will make wierd glotal sounds and you will think I'm nuts. But that will just be me practising Danish constatntly.

I take you to the candy shop...

The old part of Kalundborg.

Lazerdog and his bro where guarding a shop at night in Kalundborg.


  1. What a wonderful weekend you had! It seems to me that you are getting homesick, aren't you.

  2. Homesickness is just a state of mind and a matter of arraging some fun activities. I'm doing fine, really :)

  3. And I thought I was the queen of doing-things-in-the-last-minute. Well I'm still pretty sure I am, but it's good to know that someone has the same problem :D
