Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I know that there's been a long time since I last gave a signal being still alive. But I heard some rumour about me that I'm homesick. I don't know where it came from, but that's an awful lie I want to tell you.

I can already feel routine here, but surprisingly I don't feel like it's harassing me. I really enjoy going home after
school and spend time with my family. I have to admit that I even like doing housework.(Inner peace - just love it).

And the thing about classmates. When I first heard that I'm in music class and they are a little bit different people there I thought why the hell they put me there? I didn't think I could have something in common with them (I'm mainstream and I'm proud). But yes, there are a lot of things making me really feel that I belong there. It's not the subjects what we are learning at school. These people are full of energy, often restless, mos
t of them artistic, they want to live outside themselves and being always serious is just tiring them. And one important thing I've learned is that it is just okay to be yourself and there's nothing wrong being who you really are. I have to say I'm terribly thankful for them teaching me this lesson.

Well and now a little bit what we have been doing. After the winter holiday, which was centuries ago, me and my family stayed in Copenhagen for a few days. We stayed in my father's brother's very cozy appartment in th
e middle of the city. His brother and his wife like to travel a lot, so they have a lot of interesting stuff from abroad. I even saw a little book about Tallinn and a magnet on the fridge door which said Estonia(yes, they have been there). And lately, actually it was last Saturday we were in Hamburg. Just walking around the city, a little bit shopping and eating. Weather was perfect and so was company.

I've been told that you all are very interested in comparisons. I think we're all out of comparisons about school and educational system here. But, if you insist - McDonald's I have to say, is much more slow here than in Estonia and Eurovision is only for old people(at least that's what I heard, but I think it depends. I'm still in music class you know).

And wow, my post i
s almost as long as Tanel's. I never saw that coming(I guess I don't hate writing that much after all).

And if you want to know about somet
hing, feel free to ask :)

Vi ses!

This is the screen in Copenhagen which Kätlin talked about, you can choose background, take a picture and send it to your e-mail. Well, this is my family just trying to figure it out.