Monday, January 31, 2011

Since a picture says more than a thousand words and I'm planning to put some here today, I shouldn't write anything at all... But you all know me. Being quiet isn't really my thing.

So I think I should probably tell you something about the people I have been hanging out with. First of all I have to mention two of the boys who I get along with the best here - Frederik and Hans and don't even try to pronounce 'Frederik' in the danish way, I still haven't learned it.
Frederik is more the guy who I can just chill with and be goofy, of course we talk about serious stuff too, but with him it's mostly about having fun. He made me dance at his house once, he put on the 80's dragged me to the living room and we just danced, he really tries to make me feel like myself here and he's a great friend.
Hans is someone who I often miss and want to talk to, we can just take a walk and talk about anything. He is really really goofy with his friends but very serious with me. The other day he took me to the beach, it was a clear sky at night and it looked drop dead gorgeous. I really trust him and consider him someone really important to me.
There aren't any normal pictures of them but just so you know. Hans has the horns. Frederik is singing.

There are some really good girls in my class who make me feel like part of the class, take me out and talk to me. Kind of makes me miss the group I have back home, but it's okay. Don't have any pictures of them at the moment, but I will.

Went for a walk with Frederik yesterday. Just to make you guys jealous of the weather.

Oh! And the worst has happened! Biology, dead fish, brains. You do the math. Okay, we didn't examine a frog like in American movies but they gave each group a giant fish head. It was the size of my hand and you had to cut it and see the brain. It was disgusting. Hope some of you are eating something right now.


Nein, Mann!

Life is going on steadily with its ups and downs, as usually. Since it has been more than 3 weeks here by now, it's hard to define anything unusual or special, because as for me, I really do get used to things quickly. Be that a burden or a blessing.

I don't have any terrible or shocking news, interesting ones either. One thing that may be worth pointing out is that I can move around the city quite freely because I have a visual memory and I also can read a map. I managed to stroll around to the seaside from the heart of the town on my own and find my way back.

School is as school always is, but I'm struggling more and more with the beast called Danish. The only beastly thing about it is that there are so many new words and ways to pronounce the letter 'd'. And that's that.

And something I picked up from my classmates. It's a catchy song, yet oh so pointless, I heard during German class.

Also because I don't have anything smart to post.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Hetkel on vist kõik taanalsed natukene kurvad, sest Taani kaotas käispalli maailmameistrivõistlused Prantsusmaale (väga napilt), aga homme on kindlasti kõigil nägu naerul ja elu on jälle ilus.

Reede hommikul algas mu nädalalõpp Kopenhaagenis, kuhu me sõitsime Aarhusest praamiga. Praam küll täpselt Kopenhaagenisse ei sõida, vaid viib reisjad mingisse teise linna, kust on tund aega sõitu pealinna, aga siiski nii on kiirem ja mugavam, kui muud teed pidi minna. Seal sai isegi 1 cm-st õrna lumekihti näha. Kopenhaagenis sai igasugused tähtsad kohad ära vaadatud(kuningaloss, kirikud ja muud tähtsad majad ning ka mõni pood), aga ma tahaks teile tutvustada teistmoodi turismiatraktsiooni Christiania't . See on eriline kohake, kahjuks seal sees ei tohi pilte teha, sest nad kardavad, kuidas sa pildistad nende äritsemist. Kõik on seal nii teistmoodi, kui muidu harjunud oleme. See kuidas natuke tumedama nahaga noored tünni ääres käsi soojendavad ja marihuaanat suitsetavad – meenutas mulle tüüpilist Hollywoodi filmi, mingist noortegängist. Seal peab ise käima, et tunda seda ebaharilikku mõnusat tunnet.

(Christiania'st väljumisel)

Käisime ka teaduskeskuse moodi kohas(mille täpset nime ma ei mäleta)- seal sai veedetud tunde ning samal ajal toimus ka seal väga populaarne Body World’s näitus. Sai ära nähtud ka maailma vanim tivoli, aga kahjuks on see talve perioodil suletud.

Pikalt olin mõelnud küsimuse üle, kas Taanis kodutuid ka ikka on, sest siin Aarhuses pole veel ühegagi kokku juhtunud. Siiski pole taani mingi imedemaa, et siin neid ei oleks. Kopenhaagenis nägin ka esimesed eluheidikud kõrvaltänaval ära, ei saaks öelda, et nad oleksid „puhtad taanalsed“ olnud – pigem sisserännanud immigrandid. Suurest linnast, ei puudu mitte midagi - on kohalikud väiksed Hiina, Vietanmi jne keldripoekesed, kust saad igasugust eksootilist kaupa, tänav, mis on tuntud prostituutide poolest ja muidugi ei saa unustada jalgrattaid.

Kokkuvõttes on Kopenhaagen ilus linn, kust igaüks leiab endale midagi, aga kindlasti on seal suvel rohkem teha kui talvel.

See pealkiri on huvitav

Õpetaja Anne-Liisa Raudkepp (pseudonüüm) käskis mul siia blogisse kirjutada eesti keeles sama hea ja pikk jutt nagu ma juba inglise keeles kolm korda teinud olen. Paar päeva tagasi saabus mulle ka südamlik e-mail õpetaja Margariin Eurolt (pseudonüüm), kus mind ähvardati pussitamisega kui ma ei tee nii nagu õpetaja Raudkepp soovib. Ilmselt on mõlemad eelmainitud õpetajad seotud mingisuguse tumeda maa-aluse kuritöösündikaadiga, mille peamisteks eesmärkideks on laiskade inimeste üleliigse vägivallaga hirmutamine ja kontrolltööde väljamõtlemine. Otsustasin seega selle ülesande kaelast ära saada, sest mulle meeldib kui ühelgi mu elundil pole noahaavu.

Nüüd istun ma siin laua taga, minu ees kõrgumas ebamaiselt kallihinnalise rämpstoidu mäed ja mu jalge all räpased riided ning kahtlased kilekotid mille päritolu on mulle endalegi tundmatu. Mu mõistus on täiesti tühi, kuid siiski üritavad mõned inimesed (Raudkepp ja Euro) paaniliselt sellest kuivanud hallist käsnast midagi head välja õngitseda, justkui oleks see mõni Huvitavate ja Natuke Terava Huumoriga Vürtsitatud Blogipostituste Automaat. Võtke teadmiseks, et mulle meeldib kirjutada blogipostitusi ainult siis kui ma olen narkojoobes oma elus midagi uut ja huvitavat kogenud, kuid hetkel võrduks minu elus toimuvate huvitavate asjade teile ettekandmine mõne vanadekodu auditooriumis striptiisi tegemisega. Seega peate te nüüd lugema kõike seda, mis veri minu sõrmedesse toob ja sellega ka rahulduma.

Ma ei oska arvata, mida te Taanist teate, kuid kindlasti on teie ettekujutus sellest riigist enamjaolt positiivne. Ma pean teie illusioonid purustama. Nimelt praegu söön ma tillukesi soolakreekereid, mis on (ja ma ei tee nalja) miniatuursete metsloomade kujulised. Jah, see on tõsi - taanlased söövad armsate loomade kujulisi küpsiseid.
Kahjuks pole see veel kõik. Loodetavasti pole keegi meist veel unustanud seda vulgaarset ja õõvastavat "lastetoitu" nimega Barni, mille telereklaamis tutvustatakse koolieelikutele kannibalismi ning võõraste karumõmmidega mehkeldamise mõnusid. Ka seda väga vastuolulist ja meeletut poleemikat tekitanud toidueset müüakse siin kõigile kellel raha olemas on (ka lastele).
Esialgsete vaatluste põhjal tundub, et ma olen sattunud mingisse inimsööjate/armsate-loomade-sööjate kaitsealasse. Kuna ma ise pole inimliha veel maitsnud (välja arvatud see üks juhtum põhikoolis, kuid see on pikem jutt ja politsei ei otsi mind enam taga) ei oska ma ka korralikult sellesse ühiskonda sulanduda ja nende kõige kiivamalt valvatud saladusi paljastada. Ma pean silmad lahti hoidma ja võimalikult palju erinevaid asju ostma, et jõuda lõpuks tõeni.

Olen siin Kuristiku gümnaasiumi keldris Taanis veetnud juba kolm nädalat ning ma võin garanteerida, et mu välimus on kõvasti muutunud. Mõned teist kindlasti juba pabistavad, et kas nad ikka suudavad mind ära tunda kui ma Taanist tagasi tulen ja teie tere-tulemast-tagasi kingitusi avasüli ootan. Muretsemiseks pole siiski põhjust, sest mul oli võimalus teha endast korralik pilt. Minu new look:

(Tahtsin tegelikult veel pikemaid juukseid, kuid juuksuris oli kõik otsas.)

Vajalikud kõrvalekalded tehtud, võin ma nüüd jätkata oma siinse elu kirjeldamisega. Õnneks tegin ma enamuse sellest oma inglise keelsetes postitustes ära ja olen liiga laisk, et seda ümber tõlkida. Pealegi ei meeldi kellelegi second-hand asjad (välja arvatud maotud hipster-moenarrid ja pensionärid) ning tõlkimine on ka omamoodi "second-hand-imine".

Tükikesi minu elust:

Suhtlemine on tähtis asi. Seda on vaja kui tahate inimestelt relvaähvardusel raha saada või proovite sotsiaalametis oma invaliidist vanaema abirahasi endale kerjata. Suhtlemine on kerge vaid siis, kui sa oskad mõnda keelt ja minul on selles valdkonnas vedanud, sest ma oskan kahte keelt - inglise ja eesti - peaaegu emakeele tasemel. Kuid see on kõik aastatepikkuse harjutamise tulemus ja ükski keel ei saa iseenesest inimese suhu hüpata.

Ma oskan taani keeles lihtsamaid lauseid koostada ning saan aru ka mõnedest keerukamatest lausetest, kuid on raske õppida midagi juurde kui sind pommitatakse pidevalt uue informatsiooniga. Olen aus: ma pole siin viibides peaaegu mitte midagi juurde saanud. Kõik mu taani keele teadmised on ammutatud kodus - Eestimaal, kus ma peaaegu iga päev alates juunikuust ühelt CD-lt taanikeelseid dialooge kuulasin ja neid seejärel ürgsete häälitsustega imiteerida proovisin.

Mu "ema" arvab mingil põhjusel, et ma olen mingisugune indigolapsest geenius. Kui ma lähenen talle lihtsa lausega - nagu "Jeg tror jeg skal lige spise en sandwich nu." või "Vejret er godt i dag." - vastab ta mulle alati mingi täiesti arusaamatu pudikeelse sõnadejoruga ning mul jääb üle öelda vaid "Ja." ning vaadata teda natuke nõutu näoga lootes, et ta hakkab mingil hetkel uuesti inglise keelt kasutama.

Siiski pole ma täiesti päästmatus olukorras. Ma suutsin end gümnaasiumi kontoris täiesti arusaadavaks teha, kui ma taani keeles seletasin, et ma olen oma laptopi laadija koolis ära kaotanud. Mind isegi kiideti natuke mu keeleoskuste eest (ja teie peaks ka mind kiitma; väga palju; sest ma tean kus te elate).

Minult küsitakse päris tihti kas mul koolitundides igav pole, kui kõik õppetöö ja suhtlus taani keeles on. Ma vastan neile, et koolitundides on alati igav, kuid kui tund on minu jaoks peaaegu täiesti võõras keeles, on mul tegelikult vägagi huvitav istuda ja kuulata. Nimelt saan ma ette kujutada, et kõik õpilased võrdlevad omavahel üksteise väljaheidete suuruseid ning et kõikidel õpetajatel on Alzheimeri tõbi, mistõttu nad eriti selget juttu ei aja.

Peale selle ei oskagi ma oma siinse elu kohta midagi märkimisväärset öelda. Ma leidsin siit ühe inimese tänu kellele ma ei pea enam ennast tundma kui universumi tallaalusele kogunenud rämpsust toituv amööb, kuid ma pigem ei jagaks sellesse puutuvat infot kõigiga. Kui see tundub nagu eputamine, siis võtke teatavaks, et see... noh... natuke ongi eputamine. Aga ka loomupärastel kaotajatel nagu mina on vahel õigus midagi võita ja olgu ma neetud kui ma seda kellelegi nina alla ei hõõru. Jah, see pruun haisev ollus, mis teie nina alla just tekkis, on minu võiduhüüe.

Aga aitab sellest. Mul on harjumus kirjutada natuke solvavaid ja ehk isegi ründavaid sissekandeid (sest ma olen vaimuhaige) ning ma peaksin ka selle eest vabandama. Palun vabandust, õpetaja Anne-Liisa Raudkepp. Teie pärisnimi on üpris normaalne, kuid ma ise eriti ei tahaks seda (sest ma olen meessoost jne). Sama jutt teile, õpetaja Margariin Euro. Palun ärge saatke mulle enam e-maile. Ma kardan teid.

Järjekordne blogipostitus on nüüd selja taga ning nüüd peaks paariks nädalaks rahu majas olema. Tänan neid ühte ja poolt inimest kes seda viitsisid lugeda ja võib-olla naersid üks või kaks korda minu magedate naljade üle. (Ma ei oska nalja teha.) Tänud ka tulevaste kommentaaride eest, mis kindlasti ei saa olema minu enda kirjutatud.

Head ööd Eesti.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Everything is great!

Sorry, Helen I want to be so awesome like you :) Actually my main point is that I don't have chemistry nor physics - paradise.

I'm going to Copenhagen tomorrow morning!
Vaatan oma tuba kriitilise pilguga. Liiga palju kola, mind häirib see. Nii et teen väikese puhastuse ja viskan minema n.n "Teeviida" voldikud, sest nende erialad mulle huvi ei paku.

Aga et info päris raisku ei läheks...

Kui keegi teist seal külmal Eestimaal endas disainipisiku avastas või tunneb huvi moeloomsie vastu, siis seda saab õppida Herningis. Seal asub TEKO ülikool, kus saab laias ulatuses tegeleda eelmainitud valdkonnaga - alates riiete või riidemustrite disainimisest kuni jaemüügi orgunnimiseni. Kodukas siin.

Kopenhaageni ülikooli voldik nägi lihtsalt informatiivne välja ja mulle meeldis paber mille peal ta trükitud oli, nii et külastage nende lehte. Lihtsalt niisama. Pluss neil on selline naljakas värviring, mis on huvide kaupa jaotatud.

Kas keegi ka keelt viitsib selleks õppida, see on juba pealehakkamise küsimus.

Päev oli kena ja päikseline, muide.

Hi hi,

In this picture is the reason why their lessons are 90 minutes, why they have shorter schooldays, why they can do more group work, watch videos and so on. And I have no idea how I got so bored to actually do this conclusive chart.

I must say that I was preparing for an awful day. I had 5 lessons, which means that I was in school from 8 to 5. YES, 8 TO 5! So I kind of prepared that it was going to be really boring and exhausting but I actually had a great day. The first three lessons were psychology, biology and danish - so boring! But I sat with girls who I know well and we keep getting to know each other more every day so it's actually really nice. The last two lessons were chemistry. Which means that I had 3 HOURS of chemistry today, but it was so fun! We made beer the whole time and the boys in my class started talking to me a lot more, which is great, because I haven't talked to them at all. I'm pretty sure that now everyone has gotten used to the fact that I'm here. Oh, and I'm still not tired at all. Sometimes I have had three lessons and I get home and take a nap, today I'm just full of energy, so I'm going out with a friend after dinner.

And a couple of sentences that I hear here all the time: ,,Helen you talk so much, you're so annoying, how can you have so much energy.'' I'm pretty sure that all of this sounds really familiar to you guys back home. I miss you too!

I'm out.

Happy Birthday, Mariliis!

Birthdays come and go each year,
Today is yours, so don’t you fear.
Conversations fill the air,
We have joined you since we care.

Funny jokes and laughs out loud,
We will always be your crowd.
Many friends you haven’t seen,
How long has it really been?

Many returns of the day, Mariliis!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mittens D:

Should have been smart enough to take my mittens with me in the morning. Oh well, I’ll just try to hide my hands in the oh-so-tiny pockets of my jacket.

I had the luxury of doing nothing in the morning since I hadn’t any lessons till midday. Oh the joy of a warm blanket with a cow print on it. Add a 700-page thick book of most unpredicatable events. Pure joy.

School was as typical as a school can get during the third week of your stay. Yeah, in a sense, it isn’t so interesting any more. From the point of everything being new. Now it’s hard work trying to make my way through Danish chit-chat alla around me.

But to mix some colours to a usually not so significant school life, we had an experiment in chemistry yesterday. Extracting salt from a sausage (poor whatever it was, died in the name of science). But it’s oh so more enjoyable to learn the complicated subject of what it is called chemistry, when you actually see the processes you read about happening under your own nose. Plus the change of the colour from sunny yellow to thick blood red was also kinda cool.

I’m writing this from a bench in a center called Veri. What a jolly nice name. (Veri is blood in Estonian, dear non-native readers). But there’s no heating system here so my fingers are cold and lifeless. And for the sake of wasting some kroner, I bought a local special Cocio. Not that hard to guess what it is.

Argh, still 40 minutes till the bus comes, gotta go and find some occupation.

Hei hei, tutvuge minu tunniplaaniga see nädal. See on siis nende idee E-koolist ning pean ütlema, et asi on päris keeruliseks aetud. Alustades sellest, et iga nädal on uus tunniplaan, lõpetades sellega, et iga kord toimub tund erinevas klassis.

Minu ja mõne teise inimese kirjutamine siia on muutunud aina harvemaks, sest me ei leia mõtet oma aja raiskamisel, kui enamus inimesi see tegelikult ei huvita ja kõik soovivad lugeda ainult Taneli postitusi. Ärge saage minust valesti aru, need on väga väga head ning ei ma pole kade, ma lihtsalt ei soovi oma aega raisata.

Hetkel on mul kõige parem meel selle üle, et olen leidnud endale päris mitu inimest, keda võin nimetada oma sõbraks. Pole sellist ebamugavat vaikust ja mõttepausi, et nuputada, mis teemasi arutada võiks, vaid tunnen end mugavalt ning omaksvõetult.

Pean mainima, et bussidest pole siiamaani aru saanud, ükskord avaneb uks ühest kohast, teinekord teisest, aga kui lõpppeatuses bussist väljun ütlen juhile nägemist ja nemad vastavad alati samaga. Ükskord sain isegi: ,,You're beautiful,'' komplimendi osaliseks. Viisakust on siin üldse väga palju. Täiesti normaalne on tänavapeal juhiseid küsida või bussi kohta infot või muud sellist ja inimesed on kogu aeg viisakad, rõõmsad ja sõbralikud. Väga vahva.

Peatselt kohtumiseni,

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tore nädalavahetus

Vahelduse mõttes kirjutan ka eesti keeles ja et õpetaja Raudseppal hea meel oleks. Kui ma veel oskan normaalselt eesti keeles kirjutada.

Väikestest pisiasjadest suurt numbrit tegemata on pilt järgmine: nädalavahetus oli väga lõbus ja perekondlik. Kuigi kahjuks ei saanud Bjørg fun'ist eriti osa võtta, sest tema aeg möödus kodus tõbisena magades. Haige olla on kasulik ainult koolipäevadel, tegemist täis puhkepäevadel on see maailma suurim ülekohus.

Laupäeval sõitsime perega linna, kus külastasime kunstinäitust, kolasime niisama ringi ja nad näitasid nagu kord ja kohus, et kus ikka mingi mälestuspaik/hoone asub ja mis selle nii eriliseks teeb. Muusikakool asub endises sõjaväekoolis ja kunstiülikool, mille ma veebruaris avatud uste päeval külastan, on ka kuidagi militaristikaga seotud. Tore kokkusattumus. :D

Kohvitasime mõnusalt ja rääkisime igasugu teemadel. Näiteks tulid mulle meelde kaks kõigile Tallinna bussiliiklusega lähemalt tuttavatele inimestele kalliks saanud liimimees ja Jaša. Rääkisin perele nendest lähemalt, et Eestist ikka see õige mulje jääks.

Ärge nüüd sõna-sõnalt võtke, tegelikult lisasin ka, et nad on vaid kaks eredamat eksemplaari.

Õhtul kokkasime isaga indiapärast kookosepuruga kartuli-porgandi rooga, mis viis keele alla. Taimetoitlusega on siin peres kõik igatepidi okei ning pasteeti sööma ming keegi ei sunni.

Pühapäeval oli nii kena ilm, et lollus puha oleks olnud kodus passida. (Kui Helen seda loeb ja jälle liiga isiklikult võtab, siis kui ta seda tegigi, siis see on ka tore. Ma tean, et sulle meeldib sõnade kallal norida, Helen :D) Flemming tegi rattad korda ja nii me ligikaudu 26 kilomeetrit maha väntasimegi.

Väga ilus maastik avanes pilgule, kui suutsime teepealsest jääst üle manööverdada ja künka tippu jõuda. Põld, põld, maja, tuulegeneraator, veel rohkem põlde, talumaja, tuulegeneraator, hobune, päike otse silma. Ojaa, hobuseid pole ma enne tänast nii palju korraga näinud (v.a Discovery Channel'i loodusfilmid).

Ahjaa, reedel oli koolis pidu, lugege Kätlini postitust. Vana pilt, aga ma olen kindel, et keegi ikka tantsis laua peal. Kuidas siis veel?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Väike kokkuvõte

Täna täpselt kaks nädalat tagasi saabusime Taani. See aeg siin on lennukiirusel möödunud.

Sel nädalal veetsin esimese täispika nädala Taani koolis. Kool ja ained nagu koolis ikka, ainult et gümnaasiumis saab rohkem pühenduda sellele, mis õpilast tegelikult rohkem huvitab ja mida tal tulevases elus rohkem vaja läheb. Siin on 8 paralleelklassi, igaühel oma kallak – seega valikuvõimalusi palju. Gümnaasiumosas õpib kokku sama palju õpilasi kui on meie koolis kokku. Tunnid on vabamas vormis ja õhkonnas kui Eestis, aga see ei tähenda, et nad ei õpiks või kaasa ei töötaks.

Esimest korda olin sel nädalal ka matemaatika, ühiskonnaõpetuse ja majanduse tundides. Matemaatikatunnis olin ma väga imestunud, et nad ei kasuta kalkulaatoreid ning väga paljudel oli matemaatikatunnis kasutusel jooneline vihik. Matemaatikas on kasutusel kaks õpikut: üks läbi -töötamiseks/-õppimiseks, teine on ülesannetekogu. Arvutis on spetsiaalne programm ülesannete lahendamiseks ja graafikute joonistamiseks. Paar klassikaaslast lubasid mulle selle koha üles leida, et ma ka endale selle imelise programmi saaksin. Hetkel õpivad nad integraale, mis tundub päris raske, ega ma sellele veel pihta ei ole saanud. Mõnedel õpilastel lõppeb matemaatikakursus juba sellel aastal ära. Need, kes on valinud matemaatikas A taseme – neil on matemaatika ka järgmisel aastal, aga neil ei ole siis inglise keelt. Ja vastupidi : kes on valinud Inglise keele A taseme, neil pole matemaatikat. Küll aga kuulub lisaks mõni kursus mõlema aine juurde . Vaikselt hakkab koolipäevadesse juba rutiin tulema. Rutiini vältimiseks ja enda lõnbustamiseks Käisin Mariliisiga linnas(esmaspäeval) ja korraks ka tema juures(neljapäeval), kus arutasime kahe riigi koolisüsteemi erinevusi ja erinevusi inimeste vahel. Inimesed tunduvad üldpildis siin suhteliselt kompleksivabamad ja tolerantsemad kui Eestis.

Neljapäeval toimus meie Teeviida - taoline üritus. Teeviidast erines see selle poolest, et seal olid loengud, kus mõni selle ala üliõpilane või edukas inimene rääkis enda erialast. Sain teada, mida mu uued klassikaaslased kooli lõpetamise järel teha kavatsevad ja mis kedagi huvitab. Oli ka paljusi, kes veel ei teadnud,mida nad teha soovivad.

Eile toimus koolisisene MPG(bändidevaheline konkurss), kus valiti välja Risskovi kooli esindaja. MPG on Taanis väga populaarne.

(video laadimine võtab nii kaua aega, et ma ei suutnud oodata seda ära:))

Selline peaks siis MPG finaal välja nägema.

Ilusat nädalavahetust!

Friday, January 21, 2011

All work and no fun makes Tanel compose boring, unfunny blogposts

Contrary to what you may believe, life isn't all fun and games for me here in Denmark. The streets are muddy, the weather is bleak, the trees are all dried up and the milk tastes as if it has been extracted from a female dog. This is no vacation and I don't get to sit around like an obese garden-gnome all the time.
Instead I'm doing hard work here. I'm scouring the streets for dirty little details that could topple the illusion of Denmark's welfare society; scrutinizing every interesting piece of information I gather, observing every suspicious person I come across, eating all the food I can get my hands on from the fridge (in order to see if there's any poison in it, of course). But, unfortunately, I haven't found much at all.
I'm starting to think that there's actually nothing here to be found. There aren't even any thieves here, if you can believe it. Last Tuesday, while on my way to school, I noticed a yellow bicycle lying on the side of the road, completely abandoned. The nearest house was at least a few hundred meters away, so it couldn't have been a makeshift bike-parking lot or anything. I assumed that when I come back, it will be gone, but, to my surprise, it was still there. Such a humbling sight to behold - a bike, there for the taking, but nobody cares. The next day I saw it again and it actually made me a bit angry; why does this stupid bike get to hang out there in the mud all day like a fat pig while I have to wake up at 6:45 AM and drag myself to school? I gave it a small kick and ran away, so it couldn't follow me.
To contrast the event I described in the last paragraph, I'd like to tell you what I found out from a letter that I received from back home. Apparently some moron with two fuzz-balls and a tea-stain for a brain had found a way into the basement of the block of flats right next to mine and stolen 2 meters of wire. This, in turn, caused an overvoltage to develop in my block of flats, frying everything that was plugged into the electric circuit. Luckily the damage this caused wasn't too bad for my family, but I'd really like to know what that guy was thinking inside that watermelon of a head of his. I suppose he hoped to find some valuable items down there, like an old washing-machine or a stupid yellow bicycle, but since nobody from where I come from with an IQ score higher than 50 keeps anything of value in their basement, he ended up having to steal the first thing he came across: 2 meters of goddamned wire.
I wonder what the hell he'll do with it. I realize that he'll most probably sell it for some crack-cocaine or a Twix bar, but that would just be boring, wouldn't it. What if he were to make necklaces out of it? He'd make necklaces for his whole wire-stealing, drug-using, Twix-eating gang of thieves. Ugly, thick, wiry necklaces that probably have rat droppings and cockroaches inside them.
Another interesting thing to consider is how the hell he got into the basement in the first place. You'd think that somebody would notice if a crackhead was desperately trying to get into the basement. He'd probably have to devise a clever disguise of sorts.

He looks friendly but he really only wants to steal your electrical wires

Back on topic: what I've learned from the aforementioned events is that whatever isn't attached to the ground with chains in Estonia, will be stolen, whereas in Denmark, almost everybody's seemingly too happy or busy to give a toss about stealing. I'll certainly take this into account when I'm choosing my career path.
Of course I realize that every country has thieves, but it seems that the more affluent and well-off an area is, the less stealing goes on there. Common sense, I guess.

Time for a change of topic. My classmates have been really kind towards me. Some of them seem genuinely interested in me as a person. I even taught two of them an Estonian swear-word during English last Wednesday. I won't mention the word now, but it certainly wasn't a nice one. Dear god, how I laughed when they repeated it, not really knowing what it means. I felt like I was in an episode of the Twilight Zone (the old tv-show, not the vampire-pornography). Only I could understand what they were saying and oh boy was it funny. I know that sounds a bit evil, but they were the ones who wanted to learn some nasty Estonian words and I was happy to oblige, because swearing is cool.

Yesterday we had to go for a school trip to the Music hall or some such place where there was a sort of a convention for young students. A convention in the sense that students could hear people talk about career possibilities and other rubbish like that. Since everybody had chosen their seminars beforehand and I wasn't informed much about the whole event, I was given the choice of going home, which I was glad to accept. So I went to the local railway-station/mall thing. The stores wouldn't open until 10:00 AM and it was only 9:10-ish AM, so I just took a seat on a bench and thought about airplanes while a strange Asian woman stared at me from another bench.
Then the stores finally opened and I ripped a massive hole into that already non-existent budget of mine by buying useless things like every other happy consumer would. I realized something back there. Since I never get any money, actually having some money is kind of like an abnormal state for me. Therefore I have to waste it as fast as I can on cookies and books and stuff. That is not to say that you shouldn't give me money. I'd be happy to accept all the money you have. Just mail it to me. Think of it as social assistance, except that instead of giving the money to ugly poor people, you're giving it to me - a slightly handsome poor person.

I suppose you're all wondering what's been going on in school. Well, nothing much to be honest. Everything's new and it will take a while to get used to things. For example, in Chemistry they have these sets which you can use to compose 3-D carbon chain models. In those sets there are fancy "balls with holes in them" that you can join to "sticks" and other "balls with holes in them" and form "carbon-thingies". At least that's the way I understood it. In my old school we would probably use balls of dust and rusty nails if we wanted to create things like that (and snot to glue them together).
We also had the chance to perform experiments in the chemistry lab. It was interesting, but unfortunately I spilled some, well, whatever the hell it was on the floor. Being the quick thinker I am, I then cleverly masked my spill by smearing it on the floor with my foot. I still have both my legs so I guess everything turned out just fine.
After the experiment we had to fill out a test of sorts regarding the experiments we had just performed. I didn't know what to write so I just drew a picture of a cross-eyed cat.
We're studying (well they are) differentials and integrals in Mathematics right now as far as I can tell. I have to study a lot at home because I'm way behind. Of course I'll be even more behind in Mathematics when I get back home, but I don't really care about that right now.
Other then that, well, I had to write a 700-1000 word essay for English today. I was up until 1:00 PM racking my brains on that monstrous task, but I finished it. Then it turned out that the teacher didn't even know that I have to do homework here in Denmark, so I could've had more time to finish the essay, but what's done is done.

If you're wondering whether I miss anything or anybody, just think of all the peanut butter and chocolate I can use to forget all that. In fact, while shopping for underwear (yes, I managed to run out of underwear, it's really not funny in the slightest) I realized that I haven't missed anything while here. Yes I've thought about home, but, to be honest, things weren't going too well for me back there anyway, so why the hell should I miss it.

Enough of being Sadpants McSaddington. This evening there's going to be a totally non-alcoholic party back at school. A sort of Eurovision song contest. Lots of beer lemonade and even (from the stories I've heard) some girls dancing on tables. I like it when girls dance on tables... Especially on my table. (With no clothes on...)
No need to worry, it's not like I'm going to get drunk out of my mind or anything. I might be stupid at times but I still have a brain. Besides, everybody knows that parties are really a place to get hammered talk about fun stuff like collecting stamps and eating strawberry cake.

I just hope I'll get enough sleep next week. I actually thought about taking a nap today, but then I realized that only little girls and old people take naps.

Well, I've drained myself again and I hope somebody will actually enjoy this horrible thing I've created. It might not be as good as the last one, but I at least posted something. You have to give me credit for that. Credit as in money. Lots of money.

I'm Tanel and that's all for this week.

P.S. Check out this awesome line I just came up with: "Oh Tanel, you're such a Prikk."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's about time to post here.

Today was a great day because we had a field-trip-likeish busride to Aarhus. Not just any random bus, but the one wich took as to our future! Metaphorically speaking. There was this event where lots of universities and other organisations planted ideas into high schoolers' heads about what to do with their future.

It totally made my day that I had a chance to speak to a woman from an art college I have long ago started to track down. I even skimmed through all the portfolios she had taken with her, just so I wouldn't know "the enemy". Btw, they are pretty impressive, so I got sketch/draw more. Every single day, on every single sheet of paper. Exept toiletpaper.

Afterwards I had a really nice stroll round the city with 2 girls from my class, Sara&Sara. Since I was already sick of this pedestrian walking street where the stores have settled, they showed me around some places different. Like an oldest(?) cinema in town and a glass-blowing studio (they offered a mind-blowingly tasty licorice to try! definately on the souvenir list). We even stopped at Aros, just to see the Boys back(bones) from up above. Thanks for showing me around, you two!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I aften havde vi "filmaften" det var vildt hygge ;)
As I can see we all keep apologizing for our rare writing in this what we call was supposed to be an every day news flash page to keep you guys updated. So I must say I'm sorry and I am not proud of the fact that the last time i wrote was on Friday.

I'll try no to be distant, but to be honest it's hard to concentrate on writing now when I have heard the news about Mall Koppel. As much as I have talked to other students - no one wants her to go, including myself. So my mood is quite down. Biology is my favourite subject and it is so thanks to her, I could never imagine going back to Kuristiku and see someone new in her class. Never.

Also want to say a big hello to Henri Laurand who desperately keeps talking to me in messenger and wants to be mentioned here so badly. Hi Henri!

As for Denmark for why this blog is truly made. I can't speak for others, but I think it's great. It keeps getting better and better and I'm really happy. I get along with so many of my classmates and starting to feel accepted here. I'm sure it will only get better in a couple of weeks and then I'll truly be settled in here.

I should probably be more specific and mention a couple of things. Like the way they lift up their finger when they want to answer, like it's the most common thing ever. Looks really funny when about 7 people in the lesson have their fingers up in the air... should take a picture and show it to you guys.
Most of the people haven't heard of Estonia, don't know where it is and don't know anything about it. So I have made sure now that at least people from my (suhtlusringkonnast) know that we're not cave people, we have malls, we have food stores, pool, cinemas, bowling etc. We have internet, computers, Wifi and so on.
Even though I don't understand anything they're saying in class I can still get that their classes are really interesting. They do a lot of experiments in biology and chemistry, they show a lot of clips on screens depending on the theme and they do a lot of group work. Everyday we have group work in at least one of the lessons.
Another thing I found out today while waiting for the bus in the city was that after six or seven buses only come twice in an hour... All the buses, which I just don't get. I mean it would be okay if it was summer and 20 degrees, but in winter it's just a slap in the face. So what you do is you find a 7-11 and go buy something and get warm until the bus comes. I'm pretty sure they make a lot of money off from that.
Oh, all the second (11) grades take a trip somewhere in the beginning of April. My class is going to Tenerife... TENERIFE! That is just insane, so yes we should all be jealous, but also considering the fun we have on our class trips even if it's in Estonia (remembering Erkki-Siim and 11 bottles of beer in Saaremaa) I don't feel that bad, because our trips are awesome no matter where we go.

But I promise, I'll write sooner now. It's just I often feel I have nothing interesting to say so I just leave it. And you should also write something fun for me in comments. We all need something to read here.

Bye bye!

Monday, January 17, 2011


First of all I’m very sorry that I haven’t wrote here for a long time. I actually wanted to write a blog yesterday, but unfortunately we don’t have Internet and no television also. Then we played boardgame with my family and Hanne’s boyfriend and I also read a book.

So, my first week in Denmark is over and I feel like I have been here like 4 days or even less.

I really like my family and class. Everyone is so nice and friendly. It seems really that they are the happiest people in the World. I haven’t seen any sad or angry people in here.

I have Danish, English, Spanish, geography, biology, society, economics, mathematics, history, PE. Like you can see I don’t have any chemistry or physics. It is so good. I would be satisfied if I hadn’t these in Estonia also. I really like this school system in here, because I think in here are much less stress than Estonia. I just want to say how weird is that, how they raise their hand. They just put their one finger up, but they want to answer all the time maybe because they aren’t under the pressure or something like that and no one won’t break in to your answer or laugh if you are wrong. Students seem to be quite tolerant with each other. Most of their materials are on the Internet, but in some lessons they also write some notes down. I have recognized that girls write more to the paper than boys. They also do a lot of group works in here and we made an experiment in biology. I was totally ecstatic because of that. We have never made any experiment in our school. Also if they make experiment in biology then there is only half of the class and next time the second half, otherwise there aren’t enough space to make the experiment.

I remember Tanel once compared Estonian and Denmark buses(or something like that). One day when I came home from school then one woman apologized that she had so many things with her and I was really surprised, because in Estonia no one does that. They are glad if they can put their small or big handbag seat next to her or him.

On Friday there was a Friday cafe in the school, that was really great. I got to know my classmates much better and they were really nice to me. I have like a boy class, because we have only 9 girls in our class, with me it’s 10, and we have 16 boys. Other school days I haven’t done much, only one day we looked around a bit with Helen and other days last week I have slept after the school, because it is quite tiring.

I had a very nice weekend. I was at Mariliis’s place where we played a funny boardgame, watched TV, had a nice girl talk and also we made our first pictures.

Today was my fourth school day and I got my necessary books, but thankfully not all the books(even they weight like 5 kilos or more), because I don’t need all of them during my stay. I just have to say that they have a book in PE.After the lessons we had a meeting with Bodil and Allan where we got our Wifi codes for school Internet and after that we(me and Mariliis) went to the city to buy bigger bags, where we can put our laptops and books.

And it’s all for now.