Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hi hi,

In this picture is the reason why their lessons are 90 minutes, why they have shorter schooldays, why they can do more group work, watch videos and so on. And I have no idea how I got so bored to actually do this conclusive chart.

I must say that I was preparing for an awful day. I had 5 lessons, which means that I was in school from 8 to 5. YES, 8 TO 5! So I kind of prepared that it was going to be really boring and exhausting but I actually had a great day. The first three lessons were psychology, biology and danish - so boring! But I sat with girls who I know well and we keep getting to know each other more every day so it's actually really nice. The last two lessons were chemistry. Which means that I had 3 HOURS of chemistry today, but it was so fun! We made beer the whole time and the boys in my class started talking to me a lot more, which is great, because I haven't talked to them at all. I'm pretty sure that now everyone has gotten used to the fact that I'm here. Oh, and I'm still not tired at all. Sometimes I have had three lessons and I get home and take a nap, today I'm just full of energy, so I'm going out with a friend after dinner.

And a couple of sentences that I hear here all the time: ,,Helen you talk so much, you're so annoying, how can you have so much energy.'' I'm pretty sure that all of this sounds really familiar to you guys back home. I miss you too!

I'm out.


  1. Kas seal mingit ÕE-taolist organisatsiooni ka on? Kas Sul oleks tahtmise korral võimalus selles osaleda või üldse infole ligi pääseda?

  2. woooouw, nojah, sel juhul on täitsa aru saadav, aga mulle õudselt meeldib tegelt see, et neil on nagu palju erinevate kallakutega klasse, mis annab võimalust õppida rohkem midagi, mis endale siis huvi pakub või nii...blogi lugedes tundub, et teil on vägaväga huvitavad keemia tunnid, koguaeg teete ise mingeid katseid, sounds really great!

  3. First, I must say that Krista wants to talk in English all the time and encourages the others to do the same, but actually now she wrote in Estonian. I wonder, why?
    Now about the timetable. It seems that they really can concentrate and go into each subject in depth, which sounds quite rational. What's your opinion on this difference? Would you be glad if you had less subjects back in Estonia and could learn them more substantially?

  4. Kuristiku could learn a thing or a two from Risskov :) I wish that our lessons were more practical ( I´m fully aware of our school financial stance, that is why I said I wish :D) at least language lessons are by far the most practical lessons and therefore I´m grateful that were´re given the chance to speak for 45 minutes without hearing the teacher say " QUIET YOU !!":D

  5. Oh, thank you. You maybe do not know but I enjoy speaking part of the lesson the most. I feel useless and bored when you write or read silently.

  6. Ma pole uurinud, aga usun, et tahtmise korral on kindlasti võimalus osa võtta õpilasesinduse tööst, ma lihtsalt ei tea kas siin oleks see väga hea mõte.


    Because Krista is weird. :D
    I would say that I like our system more and our schedule is so much more versatile. I like that there is so much group work here and videos and so on, but it depends on the teacher. If some teachers just would teach their subject more interesting than it wouldn't be a problem to sit and listen for 45 minutes.

  7. I wrote in Estonian for a change(I have written like three times in English) so Raudsepp could understand...hihi, that's my exuse
